King v. Burwell Supreme Court

The King v. Burwell case is about destroying the ACA PERIOD!

If a majority of states across the U.S. can opt out of subsidies then the health plans become unaffordable. It’s a downward spiral. Once the plans are unaffordable then the average person won’t purchase them. They then are fined for not having insurance, but either refuse or can’t afford the fine (along with any medical bills they may have incurred). This then creates an even larger gap between the poor and rich, and destabilizes the middle class even more than higher prices and lower wages are today. What then will happen 3-5 years after the decision of this case is the ACA will be dismantled because it will be doing more harm than good.

This is the Ultimate goal of King and his cohorts, not states rights, but the dismantle of Obamacare.

They should do away with the subsidies and just make the plans more affordable. Then people aren’t held to constitutional law or lobbyist standards for whether or not they will get a subsidy that they use to afford the health care they have to have.

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